Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sweet Home Chicago!!!

Sorry for not posting earlier.  We made it safely AND smoothly back to Chicago on Friday.  Emma traveled a total of about 26 hours (door to door) and cried for a whole 5 minutes (we couldn't warm the bottle fast enough on the plane).  However between jet lag, time zones, new child, and the fact that someone switched our child with an exact duplicate that does not sleep through the night - we have been a bit crazed.  All is good though and Emma is adjusting nicely, and getting the opportunity to meet lots of new family and friends.  Here are a few pictures. 

Back to work tomorrow, so will work on posting more in the coming days.

Emma digs traveling.  Enjoying the lounge in Shanghai airport.

We told her not to get used to Business class.
She was a big hit with the flight attendants.

Emma meets Grandma Stautz.

We were worried about the car seat (never been in one before),
but she took it in stride.

Thanks Mattie and Nicholas for the "Welcome Home" sign.

"Dad look at this!".  Thanks Uncle Tom, Aunt Jodie and
cousin Mattie for all the work carving.  BTW what is halloween?

Emma digging her "Baby Einstein".  Especially the mirror
where she can see herself.

First bath at home.  New bathroom was completed
hours before our return.  Yeah.

Emma likes Jordan.  Jordan still deciding :)


  1. love all the new pix. boy, she looks like she is adjusting supremely well. that is so great. congrats to you both!!!! she is perfect. xoxo

  2. Okay...last post on Sunday. Let's get some more posting and pictures!! Emma's public is waiting for more.
