Saturday, December 25, 2010


Today was Emma's first Christmas and what a GREAT day it was.  She slept well, ate, laughed and had a really good time throughout the day.  Grandma and Grandpa V arrive on Monday, so the festivities will continue throughout the week.

Emma's first Christmas ...

Christmas Eve day - getting the presents ready.

Christmas Eve - hanging out with Buttercup.  Both learning to "high five".

Patiently waiting for dinner ...

Emma and Grandpa - finishing up dinner.  Waiting on dessert.

And the presents begin.  Christmas morning, lots of toys
with lots of noise - yay!

Getting to the end of the "present" portion of the day.

Waking up from her nap, and excited about dinner
at Grandma and Grandpa's.

And we managed to be productive today, finishing
the "Wall of China" in her room.

All dressed up for Christmas dinner.

Emma reading Frosty for the rest of us.
At least that what we think the sounds were.

Still loving her puffs.

Having fun at dinner with her cousins
Mattie and Carter.

Great day!  Merry Christmas to all, and happy New Year!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

For Jordan ...

This post is dedicated to Jordan.  Just over a week ago Jordan spent his last day with Emma and the family.  He had been sick for several months, and was starting to get worse without any hope for recovery.  It was a very sad weekend, and his presence has been sorely missed.  For a little cat (well not that little as cats go :)), he was big personality and left a mark throughout our home and our lives.  Emma took to him immediately, and he took to her (though he was able to hide his excitement most of the time).

We are glad she was able to hang out with him for a couple of months, as he was instrumental in helping us through the journey to Emma over the last five years.  

On a happier note, I have finally posted a video of Emma.  She has learned to do peek-a-boo on her own, and thoroughly cracks herself up. 

Thanks for checking in and for all the support ... 

Jordan in the kitchen, waiting for his portion of dinner.

"Who is this kid and how long will she be here?"
Jordan was helpful at bath time.

Below is a video of Emma doing peek a boo.  I will try to post some more video later. 

Mom discovering some of Emma's ticklish spots!

Emma and Buttercup (our outdoor cat) spending some
quality winter time.

Emma checking out the snow and the backyard.

Waking up from her nap, full of laughs. 

She has never used a pacifier and seems somewhat
perplexed with this thing in her right hand.  Though the
 remote she is comfortable with.

Getting ready for dinner at the Freshwaters.  Let the laughter begin ...

Sleeping peacefully ... just before dad wakes her from her nap.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Tree

Emma's first Christmas tree.  We picked up a tree last weekend and put it up on Sunday.  Christmas music, snow on the ground, the scent of a freshly cut Christmas tree - and Emma with her "E" ornament ...

Love my ornament with the lit up "E"


Emma - selecting the next ornament.

Chillin, after a heavy session of decorating.

Checking out the lights and the new tree - "nice job mom!"

Long day, finished bath and getting ready for bed.

Busy day yesterday.  Time to start a new week ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Emma in court

Emma received her first summons (and hopefully last) yesterday.  We have one last step to go through here in Illinois, which is the re-adoption process.  It will legally provide her with an Illinois birth certificate, and finish off the legal aspects of our journey.  We had to get her up at 5:30 am to head downtown and spent the morning doing paperwork and waiting to appear before the judge.  She did great through most of the trip, but we definitely "felt" the impact on her schedule later in the day and through the night.  Hopefuly she will be back on track today. 

Here are a couple of picks from yesterday.  And some more to come on Christmas preparations - yay!

Getting herself dolled up for her big court date - at 5:30 am.

I don't remember court being this much fun!

Waiting to be summoned - she looks a little scared.

Emma getting her first (and hopefully last) summons.

Waiting for the judge and the time to go home...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

First snow

Well Emma experienced her first snow today.  At least with us and certainly in Chicago.  We told her there is much more to come, and it will get much colder!  She is digging the Christmas music, but so far seems unimpressed with the Christmas trees (pictures to come), and the snow. 

View from our family room.  She check out the snow from afar.

Serious Emma.  Actually keeping her hood on.

Christmas decorations are starting ...

Not crawling, but VERY comfortable hanging out on her belly.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hi all!  Still trying to get on a regular posting schedule (as you can tell).  Emma is doing great and we are starting to figure out our own schedules a bit.  She continues to sleep well, eat well and smile lots!  We had a great Thanksgiving weekend staying local here. 

I am attaching some pictures from the last week as well as a couple of videos (though may get posted tonight though).