Apologies for not posting more updates sooner. Mom and Dad however, have not been sleeping much, and are back to work full time as of Monday. Emma is doing well, but waking up every few hours with varying degrees of pitch, range, loudness and duration to her nocturnal repertoire. We are assuming it is mostly the time change, but of course there are a million other reasons (OK, so I've only come up with 8-9) for her not sleeping well upon our return.
I have a few updated pictures, and a couple of videos (which I will have to do tomorrow night). We are learning the "sleep when you can" mantra (which I have shunned for her adoring fans). She remains happy, smiling and a true pleasure, but has her "moments".
Dad learning to read, and getting very comfortable with pink. |
"Just a little to the left ..." She is already working the corporate sponsorship angle. |
Still loves her baths, and now has LOTS of bath toys to accompany her ducks from China. |
"See ya'll soon!" |
So here's the problem: NO NEW PICTURES!!!!