Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

We didn't want to say anything in fear of jinxing ourselves, but we seem to have "China" Emma back.  The last three nights she has slept through the night about 10+ hours, and taking good naps (little in the morning and more in the afternoon).  We are getting more sleep, and starting to get into a routine, which is good for everyone.  
I will be Mr. Mom for a few days this week while Sue is in NY, so hoping things continue to go smoothly.  I have provided Emma with a written schedule, and some ground rules to make our time this week both efficient, and happy.  We posted the schedule by her bed and review it both when she wakes up, and before she goes to bed.  I am pretty confident that this will work well. 

It is hard to believe she has been home in Chicago for just one week, and with us for three weeks.  In many ways it is like she has been here for years.  Here are some pictures of her from this past weekend.  It was filled with birthday (Grandma S), anniversary (ours), and pseudo-pagan-Christian-ritualistic-sugar laden-celebration (what the heck is Halloween anyway?).  We had a lot of fun, and continued to evolve our routine.

All dressed up for her first dinner out in the States!  Grandma's birthday.

It's been three weeks today!  BEFORE: These are the clothes she had
on when we got her.  Yes, all of them at the same time.  And
it was 70+ degrees.

Emma's new friend Sophie.

Getting cozy in her new blanket.  We will know
which one is hers.

Time to brush her teeth (or should I say tooth).
She actually likes it!  Yay!

Pumpkin patch - not so much.  Seemed like a good idea at the time. 
We also realized no one has probably seen her cry (she does btw).

Things got better.  Just in time for dad's camera battery to die.
Parenting 101 - always have the battery charged - douph!

"Forget the treat, I can't wait for the TRICK!"
Emma's first Halloween, and first house.

You could sense the nervousness and anxiety in the air.
"Will they be home, what kind of treats will they have,
will they like my costume?"

End of a LONG day!  Dinner didn't go so well, but she was styling in her new
bib from Grandma and Grandpa V.


  1. Yea, ah I hope that schedule thing works out for you!! Good luck! Love your blog!

  2. Hi Sue,

    You have been on my mind for the last two weeks. Looks like y'all are doing great....and Emma is so stinkin cute I can't stand it.

    So glad to hear you have her back on China time. We are struggling with the jetlag and lack of sleep at night right now. I am hoping it ends SOON. My body is so messed up and so is Reagan's. She slept like a dream in China. She went to bed every night at 7:30pm and did not wake until 6am. At least I knew I could get a few things done when she was down. Right now we are trying like mad to keep her up during the day so she will sleep at night, but we are still waking up every two to three hours.

    When things calm down for both of us.....let's catch up!!

    Sending lots of love and hugs,

