Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hi all!  Still trying to get on a regular posting schedule (as you can tell).  Emma is doing great and we are starting to figure out our own schedules a bit.  She continues to sleep well, eat well and smile lots!  We had a great Thanksgiving weekend staying local here. 

I am attaching some pictures from the last week as well as a couple of videos (though may get posted tonight though).

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see another post pop up and get an "emma update"

    She is SO DARN CUTE and looks like she is doing extremely well with her new surroundings and schedule!

    Doesn't it feel like they have been with us forever? I know it has really only been a few weeks, but it already feels like a lifetime! So many memories and firsts and such a short span. Reagan is getting into everything.....high and low! She is very fast and has caused me to have some heart palpatations these last few weeks! Are you experiencing the same with Emma?

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgivng!

    Happy Holidays to you and yours~


