Saturday, December 25, 2010


Today was Emma's first Christmas and what a GREAT day it was.  She slept well, ate, laughed and had a really good time throughout the day.  Grandma and Grandpa V arrive on Monday, so the festivities will continue throughout the week.

Emma's first Christmas ...

Christmas Eve day - getting the presents ready.

Christmas Eve - hanging out with Buttercup.  Both learning to "high five".

Patiently waiting for dinner ...

Emma and Grandpa - finishing up dinner.  Waiting on dessert.

And the presents begin.  Christmas morning, lots of toys
with lots of noise - yay!

Getting to the end of the "present" portion of the day.

Waking up from her nap, and excited about dinner
at Grandma and Grandpa's.

And we managed to be productive today, finishing
the "Wall of China" in her room.

All dressed up for Christmas dinner.

Emma reading Frosty for the rest of us.
At least that what we think the sounds were.

Still loving her puffs.

Having fun at dinner with her cousins
Mattie and Carter.

Great day!  Merry Christmas to all, and happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Loving these pics. Waiting to see some with Grammie and Gramps Villanova, as well.
    Wishing you all the blessings of good health, happiness and prosperity in the new year. And more and more pics of EJ.
