Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hi Auntie Barbara!!!

Hey Auntie - thanks sooooo much for the presents!!!  I absolutely love them and can't wait to meet you.

THANKS Auntie!  Can't wait to see you.

Time for a break ...

Smiling AND wearing her hat!

Token profile shot.  Every star needs one.

Whatchya lookin' at?

Happy Valentines Day!

 Sue's birthday is the 12th, so we celebrated both her birthday and Valentines day this past weekend.  And "you know who" made it ALL extra special.

Emma giving "dada" her present.  If only she could SAY it :)

Thinking about the week ahead.

Having fun with Grandpa Stautz

Laughing at Uncle Tom's jokes.

Mom!  Why do you have the camera?

A little afternoon reading.

No caption needed here ...